Empty Stone Ministry, INC., is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian Ministry based in West Virginia. Empty Stone Ministry, INC., is non-denominational and is not directly affiliated with any other church or ministry. Our mission is to boldly share Jesus' radical message of love and help others recover the life of passion and joy that has been stolen by an enemy who opposes the freedom of our hearts. Following Jesus' greatest command, we love God and we love others. Everything else we do stands on those two pillars of faith.
George MacDonald writes, "Man finds it hard to get what he wants, because he does not want the best; God finds it hard to give, because He would give the best, and man will not take it."
We encourage others to not only want the best, but claim that gift of grace.
We are a ministry of hope and wholeness, walking alongside those who are willing to acknowledge their brokenness and risk awakening innate yearnings, hunger pangs that cry out from the depths of our emptiness, for healing, restoration, and a life lived to the full.
We encourage others to embrace lives of adventure, risk, passion, and joy that only Jesus can reveal.
We are all banged up and wounded, but every life is covered by our Father's love and grace. He will never give up on us, no matter how far off track we stumbled.
But Jesus answered, “I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out!”
Luke 19:40
Want to help? Your tax-deductible contributions help us in ministry outreach, provide scholarships to camps/retreats, and support other local organizations that serve those in need. Empty Stone Ministry has no employees and is governed by a board of directors, all who graciously invest their gifts and talents for the growth of our Father's Kingdom in the hearts of men and women.